

'yes. you are right.i am holding the gun.' 'it is someone's head.' 'but whenever i am in a deep problem.. ..only then i think thathow did i get into this.' we have got the 12 contestantsof chills and thrills. one amongst you willbe one of those three crazies. statutory warning. wannabe losers needto be outside the gate. last two minutes.

do something super crazyor become worms for life. or rot in this crowd. come on. jump. there are two types of bums. one contains shit andthe other contains courage. are you from the first category? damn you jump!otherwise i will throw you out. come on. hurry up. hurry up. someone call a doctor.he is shocked with fear.

'i am allergic to fear.' 'the side effects of this allergy.' 'it might lead to fractures,paralysis, death, police and jail.' if your parents believedin birth control.. ..then i wouldn't havewasted my 30 seconds today. shit! he does this to everyone. sir, someone has turned allsideline traffic signals into red. and the main road is green.

60 seconds. 'this is my chilling zone.' 'between the sky and the earth.' 'we have to placebets on life sometimes.' 'but simple calculations.' 'the more the risk the more the kick.' this boy has stolen your show. he is the thirteenth crazy. you are mad.i was looking for a psycho like you.

dude that was your ticket to dubai. dubai?- yes. i don't want to go. so why did you make this entry? i had a question for you.- what? are you born fool or haveyou done a special course? you are over smart too. i like it. but you have gone too far. i can give you another chance.

come and say sorry. you think you are god right. and i am allergicto self-proclaimed gods. what did you say? your pack up. i am hungry, bro. from sector 8 to sector 88. did you turn all trafficsignals green for an hour? why did you do this?

because i don't like red light areas. that's why i turned all of them green. accident in sector 10!accident in sector 10! breaking news! another collector's face was blackened. the rebel students have rebelled again. you have made us sit here since so long. do what you want to butat least give us some food. boss. - yes. - please give the menu.

they are crazy. they are troubling usso that we start worrying. yes. i want to go home. i am hungry. don't worry. we will trouble them now. hello? i am calling from laskar-e baghdad. laskar-e baghdad? one of my fat soldiers issitting in your police station. fat soldier?

he has a bomb in his belly. the bomb can go off at any time. where did you find thepolice station's number? baburao dandekar. sir, he is the fat soldier.- hands up. up. show me your belly. belly. where is the bomb? where is the bomb? bomb? inside.- sir, a bomb inside the bum.

shut up. - sorry sir. who is preet sihota? me. the commissioner is calling you. baburao dandekar, come in. fat soldier. kabir. son. son, are you okay? i am fine, dad.

sir, we have shifted here two days ago.i am sorry. one minute, son. i am manohar sehal. my wife radha sehal. this is son...- manu? manu sehal. chulbul. chulbul pandey. didn't you recognize me? chulbul's brother, bulbul pandey.- bulbul. when did you become an inspector? is this your son?

that is what radha has said. good one, dad. "how i have fallen for you?" "get me some ankletsand then she me walk." "come on girl." where are you going, mamma? i am going to see mydarling dilip kumar shoot. sheila had arranged everything. mamma, aunt sheilahas died ten years ago

and dilip kumar has retired. liar. dilip kumar is an evergreen hero. and don't you dare to saysuch nonsense about my friends. granny. who are you? have you forgotten your boyfriend? really?- i swear. look, i have got hot bread for you.will you eat? yes.

manu. these are the checks for this month. i will bring pancakes for you tomorrow. and what is thistransaction worth 5000.. ..that is showingin your credit card bill. that... i had bought some paintover the net for my artwork. was it important to buy paints?didn't i tell you? and yes, did you speak to kabir?

his problems are increasing. kabir, can you keep a low profile? seriously? i am 6feet and 2 inches. how can i keep a low profile?come on, dad. turn his life into a jokelike yours if you continue thus. manohar, tell kabirto finish his food. kabir. mom, please. son, after changing so many cities.. ..i don't dare to shiftto yet another city.

mom, i love this city. but more than that, i love you. i promise we won't go anywhere now. no more issues. - sure? seriously. hail mogambo. love you, dad. let me go. please, bro. please. please. why are you so worried? i have classes, assignments. i can't.

give me blood i willgive you freedom. - please. come on.- this is no fair. - come. take care he shouldn't run away again.- okay preet. our blood donation camp has flopped. may i help? you don't look helpful. just because i am goodlooking doesn't mean that.. ..i am heartless. nowadays there is even servicetax for transactions of heart.

your antics and tongueis both expert in demolition. and you are piling on. i just wanted to help you. okay. you can help me. but i have a condition. we can't get married so soon.we have just met. good one, bro. sorry. sorry. very funny. - i know. do you see that girl?

her name is angela. - okay. go and take a lap dance from her. lap dance?in this blood donation camp? - yes. and if i do this then? - then? then you will lap dance on me too. okay. game on. game on. hey. yes. have you come to donate blood?

ma'am, may i have a lap dance please? what? oh no, brother. get lost. please, as your younger brother.i need it. everyone needs something or the other. i need a chalet in switzerland. one of my kidneys has failedand the other will fail soon. my girlfriend. sorry. my girlfriend has agreedto donate a kidney.. ..only if you give me a lap dance.can you believe it?

your lap dance can save my life. no.- no? your lap dance can savemy life and also arrange.. ..15-20 bottles of blood too. do you want to see a lap dance?- yes. you will have to donate blood? done. done. - now or later? do you even need to ask that? do you want it for free?- come. come. let's go.

lap dance. i said i am your girlfriend. i said you are a kidney donor. sorry. a piece of advice. once your girlfrienddonates you her kidney.. should change your girlfriend. who wants a girlfriendwith just one kidney? - correct. bye.

parking lot. hi. i am ali bro. - and i am bunty bro. ali bro. bunty bro.- yes. - is bro your last name? wicked. by the way you madejulia roberts perform.. amazing lap dancein just seconds. so cool. she addresses allgirls as julia roberts. so original.- angela had never been saw us. but she turned backand smiled at us today.

it seemed as the presidentof america had named bhutan. that's really original.- but you... - hey, lap dance boy. i am jas. welcome to the club. do you call the parking lot a club here? consider this university as my club. this is fight zone.anyone can fight here. guys girls. girls-guys. fight for sex.fight for your ex.

you don't need a reason to fight here. all we need is a damn good fight. by the way your fair facegives the impression that.. have never hada fight in your boring life. it is also possible thatno one had ever touched my face. hey! no way! i am fastingfor goddess santoshi today. i am not fighting.- he will fight. please. - please fight. this will be the bestfight of your life.

ask me why? i don't feel like asking. later. okay you don't want tobe beaten in front of here. but you know what you have to be the best.. impress the bestgirl in the college. that's we will now, who is the best? best. best. best. what do you mean? grow up, jassi. you can have the girl.

hey! don't be so upset. hey! with your iq you willfind the entire world smart. goldie. chill! oops. study. - bournvita body. naughty boy.i don't expose much for boys. don't be so greedy. okay. happy now? so let's not fight. are you scared?

if you are so confidentthen come to me.. ..and make me lap dance. hey, lap dance boy! we will be in trouble. let's run. hey you. - yes. are you a fresher? - yes. on the very first day of college. - sir. once again all thishas happened because of me. go to your classes.attend your lectures. quick.

bunty. where is bunty? what? the fight is still incomplete.- anytime anywhere, due. call the medi-claim people. what happened, veeru? i think thakur has goneinsane after getting drunk. what did he say? he said that he will drive the car. there is a power failure again. thakur. thakur. thakur.

thakur? - thakur. thakur. thief! thief! thief! - thief?- catch him. - thakur. there is a thief in the house. - thakur. call the police. papa.- kabir. from painter to panther. what an attack. very funny. kabir, what kind ofdrama is this? - drama? i am practicing forthe inter college day play.

modern day 'sholay'.i am acting thakur in it. with a helmet? yes? here the thakur is abiker and not an inspector. right. lies. preet sihota. oh my god. i wouldn't have come back to this city..

..if mama was not sufferingfrom alzheimer. - mom. kabir, you know that preethad always got you into trouble. mom, let her come home. preet will never come to this house. preet sihota.are you being punished too? no, i am just chillingin the detention room. kabir sehal.- you have two golden stars. if you can see two then there are two. give me one.- no.

my papa says that ifyou want something special.. ..then you have to fight for it. and my mom says that i am.. ..the best fighter cock in the world. prove it. tell me. what should i do? open the door to the detention room. what are you doing? catch him.

hi. hi. - hi. your impact created by the lap dance.. ..and the fight in theparking space has been great. bro, i have better news. have you seen the headlines today? i don't read headlines on tuesday. why do you read it to me? - okay. dhanraj's rivals fired on him

but the dg escaped. you have concealedsuch a huge matter from me. what? - that you aredg's illegitimate kids. illegitimate? then why are you so happybecause the dg has escaped. because dg is jas's dad. and whenever he and hisrival tejpal has a tiff.. ..then jas goes undercover. and these losers aresafe for the time being.

are you fasting today? - what? today is not even woman's day. have you recovered fromyour spinal cord problem? what? - can you bend down? what? - can you bend down? - of course. then bend. lap dance. lap dance is banned in the city today. then it will be more fun.- go hang yourself. "i will commit suicide. you die too."

"my heart wants the loan of love." "you fanned the fire in my heart." "you had started a forest fire." "get lost. take your procession away." "the devil has overpowered you." "darling you are smoking hot." "my heart is are the government." "you rule my heart." "please accept my request."

"yes, i am guilty." "rub the lipstickoff your lips on mine." "my life is at your tread on it if you want." "why should i kill you? you are bad." "i won't be entrapped by you.this is not love." "i am crazy about you." "i love you.imprison me in your hair." "punish me with enjoyment." "you have been very bad."

"you don't have permissionto enter my heart now." "you are exiled now." "if i get you, i will takeyou out on the road of my heart." "you are shiny car." "you are the matchstick of my love." "ignite my youth." "my heart is stubborn." "lull him to sleep with love." "save sleeping pills."

"save yourself from me." "you will get extinguishedin short circuit." "get rid of your bulb." "i am smitten by you have a doubt?" "i can't live without you." "get into my heart like a knife." "cross all your limits." "no pecks or kisses." "you didn't even hug me."

"this is not even love." "don't flatter me now." "i am starting to like you now." "i am ready to be smitten by you." "i stand guilty." look. this isn't funny. ready for lap dance, baby? get lost. i thought even you felt like me.

but you were against will pay, preet. i don't care what you feel.i don't even know you. psycho. let me go. done. is that what you can do? it was just a stupid bet. you know that no bet is stupid. i won't spare you ifi am able to leave from here. you mean you doubt if youwill leave from here or not. let me go. please.

please. let me go. you are manner-less. look what i have gotfrom my mama's dressing table? i don't want it. - take. please, keep it with you. think if you run awayfrom home because you.. ..are sick of ballu balbir.- mummy, look. kabir is teaching me wrong things again. we will recognize eachother by seeing this bracelet.

please, you might needall this to recognize me. i will recognize youas soon as i will see you. preet sihota. game on. - kabir sehwal. i will win.- you will win! you will win. kabir sehwal. preet didn't recognize me. caught you. this was cheating. preet sihota, you have lost. kabir sehwal, you have come.

i recognized you at the police station. then why didn't you say anything. what would i say? hi preet. i am kabir. let's catch up in jail. - so tell me. how many times have youbeen imprisoned till now? i haven't been imprisoned yet. but we are together we will go together you haven't changed at are still a psycho. you haven't changed either.

you have become an even bigger psycho. and you seem angrier. yes, life has been suchpain that i had a short circuit. at least you have a circuit. i have lost my fuse in my india tour. is this your permanent posting? no. look at your face. it seems as if someonehas taken away your ice cream.

mom. - no. preet, please assure methat you haven't forgotten.. take the prescription from dr.khanna's clinic. if you have then nobodywill be surprised. mom, i have taken the prescription. but nobody can saveyou from the surprise. give me the phone, girl. yeah. aunty darling, what are you preparing?

red beans and rice. - yes. purnima!shut them up. they are so noisy. the manager said that themoney never reached the bank. will you serve money instead of food? i am asking for food andyou are arguing about money. your father argues a lot. kabir, he is not my papa.he only stays in our house. my real papa died long time ago. what did you say? am i thief?

why don't you teachmanners to ballu balbir? forget it. he is crazy. my father never drinks.- your papa is the best. he also plays monopoly with you, right? only on saturday. my real papa also usedto play with me. - preet. you are feeling sad again.come, let's play. it is important to go to the bank. shut up, i say. don't you get it.

uncle. your zip is open. bye, balbir. come. come. - no. preet give it here. - preet, please. kabir, don't. what are you doing, balbir. don't. you are always in this house. today is your last day.- balbir he is a kid. let him go. everyone becomes crazyuntil you hit them.

no, balbir. preet. kabir! madam, the kid had stabbed a person. we have to file a case. if this man files an firthen he will be arrested too. i told you,this kid kabir sehwal entered our home... have you gone mad? i won't allow anythingto happen to kabir.

if you file an fir theni will file one against you too. really? you will filean fir against me? go ahead. because i will have him jailed today. he will go to the child remand home.i will destroy him. - enough. balbir, what are you talking?-balbir, you will do nothing of that sort. balbir. please, balbir. this is what balbor will do. - please. please don't ruin kabir's life. we will leave this city.

mind blowing. this is delicious. because punnu's redbeans and rice is awesome. awesome. - love you. yes. he is the only onewho eats my food like this. that's why you alwaysprepare his favorite dish. she is still jealous, punnu darling. i will always prepareyour favorite dishes.. ..whenever you come. did you see, she loves me more?

no, she doesn't.- she does. she is my mom. - do you own her? i am pleased to see you two together. thank god, there is someoneto take care of preet now. why? where is ballu balbir? he is missing since last year. we tried to find hima lot but it was futile. i am sorry, aunty. did the dratted man die drunk?

or did you kill him in the end? this is not a joke, kabir. be serious. i am taking the red beans seriously. happy now? i am pleased so easily. of course, you need regulardoses of madness every day. you cannot do it. forget it. challenge. challenge. - game on. "i have got drowned in your eyes."

"and have taken the risk consciously." "you don't have any idea." "just ask me once." "i am feeling lucky for the first time." "i cannot stop feeling now." "fall in love. just do it once." "lazy. my dreams my lazy." "after your magicthey became enthralling." "crazy. my heart was not crazy."

"i have become crazy after meeting you." "my feet are no longer on earth." "i want to touch the sky." "i see this world flying." "feelings are making my heart restless." "my feelings are not getting stopped." preet, what are you doing with him? go away. - you are jas' girlfriend. goldie, have some smoke.

"find a way." "show me your heart." "the moments are very interesting." "come, let's live them together." "come let's be togetherand miss no opportunity." "we are on a high." "there should be just love everywhere." "feelings are out of the heart now" "i cannot stop my feelings.what should i do?"

i don't feel nice when you say bye. why? bye doesn't suit you. how about get lost? the last time i gotlost you were in a fix. so if leave this timethen think what will happen. you have to meet my papa tomorrow. i can't come tomorrow. we are not asking you.we are telling you.

be ready tomorrow evening at seven. tell your sidekickto remain on the side. keep your kabir aside.we know everything. be in your limits. - you... - goldie. what is happening with lap dance? i don't need to giveanyone any clarifications. seriously? me? jas, i know kabir since childhood.

and it's his birthday tomorrow. then say so. we will all celebrate it together.- really? yes. - no. you are joking, right? you don't trust me despiteall that has happened. jas. don't be so emotional. why are you tolerating her so much? i am telling you thatthe two are having an affair. just tell me. i will kidnap her now.

you want to partywith your friends. fine. but if preet is attendingthat party then.. ..i won't give you a single rupee. the cake has not arrived yet. it will be here soon. don't freak out. if the cake doesn't gethere in the next 15 minutes.. ..then i will smearyou in cream and cut you. two minutes. you dratted guy.

i will fix you if i don'treceive my cake in two minutes. so don't say yes, ma'am. - yes, ma'am. why are you saying yes ma'am again? yes, ma'am. - i told you not to. ma'am, i am standing behind you. oh shit. kabir. - answer the call. it's a surprise party, fool. one minute, if we are herethen who is bringing kabir? kabir is nearby. jas is getting him.

is preet not receiving your calls? try her other number. does she have a second number? - what? you are his childhood friend. and you don't know thatshe has a second number. hey jas. your girlfriend here.pick up the phone. hello? yes, preet. where are you? hold on for a minute. want to talk? the subscriber you are tryingto reach is busy at the moment.

want to talk to her? just say please.say please. - okay preet bye. hey jas. what can i get you? what can i get you, baby?you look tired. what the hell. jas, don't pass gas andstop acting like such an ass. wow, that was good. what say? - yes. this is not how you impress girls.

then how do you impress them? shall i teach?- bet. wow so you are serious about him. we are just friends. lights off. lights off.lights off. - come. hurry. hide. do you have a boyfriend? - three. now you have four. come on. what are you thinking? preet, your friend has won the bet.

my bar. my girl. my plan. happy birthday, asshole. preet. preet, listen. you sent jas to bring meto the party. seriously. preet i needed moneyto celebrate with you. so do you get moneyto seduce girls nowadays? you are over reacting. over react? it is not normal to seduceany random girl, kabir.

it is normal for youto go around with a rogue boy. but if i look at a girl ishould suffer from conjunctivitis. look at all the girls you want to. have girls deliveredto your home if you want. let me go. you have a boyfriend andyou expect loyalty from me. then do somethingwhich will bamboozle jas. can you do it? you can do it if you want to.get lost now.

preet, where are you going?- home. - i will drop you. i don't need you freepick up and drop service today. preet, enough of your drama. hey. i am talking to her. be in your limits otherwisei will bury you here. all right then.round 2 is still pending. stop it both of you. preet. preet. board the car. jas, i am not impressedby your driver uncle role.

drive uncle! hello, uncle. you cannot control preet. at least keep the car under control. where is she?why is she not receiving my call? romeo, let's go home.we are without security. and we have collectionmoney of 2.5 crores. if dg comes to knowof it... - who will tell him? are you going to tell dad? - what? then shut up. shut up.

give cigarette- i don't have. preet is not answering my call.. ..that's why i am callingfrom this landline. where is the bag? what? the collection bag that was in the car. i have lost collectionof the entire week. i am done for. papa will kill me, bro.

why? why do you behave like this? death sentence for a kiss. unfair. did you find on angela? seriously? forget angela.first tell me, what are you? what is this?- a crying jaswinder gill please. i haven't even placed theorder and it is delivered already. oh my god, shouldn't have done this. me. this is your can i take it? what? - but i love it.

i will put its blowup in the college canteen.. ..and name it a crying miserable man. if you haven't done anything thenwhat are they doing here, kabir? in the bog shop. is it? - wait. i will check. kabir. - move. what is happening? who are these people?why are they in our home? you cannot even manage a bag.

how will you manage a girl? you want to play a game, right? come, let's increase the stakes. kabir! kabir. you have no ideawhat you have gotten yourself into. did you take their bag?- preet, i didn't take the bag. then what is this? i found it in the bedroom. kabir. - no. - poor boy. preet, your best friend is a thief.

preet, are you going to believe him? kabir, tell me. actually pass. tell me. can i do this? my vote. you can do it. jas. jas.please listen to me. jas, please. jas, please listen to me for a second.jas, please. please. please. for you everything is a game,challenge and a bet. kabir you have really lost it.

i want to talk to you about the bag. have you gone crazy? - jas. preet, talk to me. don't you have permission from sir? sir, give us a break for two minutes. you are still alive only because of her,understood? are you trying to mess with me?- jas relax. stop it, kabir. everything doesn'thappen as per your wish.

this world runs without you breaking news. jas proposed me yesterday. and we are getting engaged next week. were you on a secretsale or was it an auction? why? so are you hurt? now i know why you havegot engaged in such a hurry. so angry? rebound, jassi. steroids can only increase your biceps.

your brains will always remain small. kabir, your brain hadbeen dead a long while ago. we two have a manufacturing defect. i don't have brainsand you don't have a heart. have you even gone to uganda? are you sending me there? shut up. i was just changing the topic. because you won't beable to talk much about.. ..brains and hearts. - listen.

i can tell you in threeseconds that you are wrong. one's feelings don't change overnight. don't tell me that you thought that.. ..i have some feelings for you. then what were you doing with me? time pass. preet! enough kabir. preet. what you're doing is wrong.

prove it.- you love me preet. i love jas. jas. let's get married. preet sehota. you've messed with a wrong guy. kabir siyal, game on. "when i rememberedyou in my loneliness." "the eyes shed tearsoften in your absence."

"in loneliness." "loneliness,shadows and stigma caused sufferings." "your breath mingling with my breath." "return those nights of mine." "i feel you everywhere." "but you're not there." "stigma makes lifefeel like a punishment." stop it, kabir! what were you doing with me?

"i've never seen such exclusive style,you treacherous." "my body and mind are crazy for you." "why did you take away my peace?" "i have a burning desire for you." "i am burning." "your treachery has made me cry." two constables will be postedoutside your house day and night. don't worry about anything. thanks friend. everything is so sudden..

..that. - what's the use offighting a war we can't win? kabir, it's you i am talking to. i am not at fault in this. hey, kabir. people like jas and dg.. ..they don't play by the rules, son.- i know. you might also know that these peoplecan do anything anywhere at any moment? they call up the ministerin case of anything serious. and we maintain some law and order. kabir! where are you going?

i've some stuff lying with preet. i am going to collect that. in spite of all that happenedyou've not understood. huh? son, please stay away fromjas and preet. for my sake. jaswinder paba can't do without me. i won't let you go.- relax mom, nothing is going to happen. something happens whenever you say this. no! you worked with me for 20 years.

but you didn't learn anything.- no! you were showing attitudein our last meeting. you were staring at me. hello. yes, i'll have dinner. parathas. no, potato. after firing at me,you ran on these feet, didn't you? which hand did you use to shoot at me? right hand? do one thing. chop off both his legs.

so that he will never run. also chop off this righthand with which he had shot at. we're leaving one hand for that you wash yourself. no! no! dad thinks death is complete freedom. and therefore he keepsthe people he hates alive. so that they ask death every moment. what the hell, kabir? you're don't need this bracelet.

you know my needs? what will you do with this bracelet? i am not in a mood to answer today. and i am not in the mood of time pass. leave me, kabir! after meeting youi felt i could breathe. i had started livingafter years of suffocation. what happened? - kabir, wheneverwe meet something bad happens. we'll be safe as long as we're together.

no, that's impossible. great! then return the bracelet. after marriage, neither your nor mine. everything will be ours. i'll come to fetch you at 8. be ready. why are you so scared of jas? kabir! kabir! kabir, please just let it go! please. please, kabir!listen to me, please. listen to me.

don't go. please, kabir. no, no, kabir! listen to me. stop! kabir. i was scared. thank god you're alright. biggest news of this hour. in an accident of a carand a bike at echo point.. ..industrialist dhanraajgir's son jaswinder gir has died. jas gir's body was broughtto city hospital some time ago. city hospital hasn'tpassed any official statement.

according to our correspondent.. ...jas gir had breathed hislast before reaching the hospital. i killed jas? did anyone see you? everybody knows.- oh my god! dg? you should not face any problem. his son died because of me. i think it's fair if he kills me.

son, you didn't kill jas purposely. kabir, you could've been in his place. and they wouldn't thinklike this at that time. son, if anything happens to you.. ..we will die, son.- just cut the emotional crap, manu. don't make him weak like you.- mom! kabir, be practical. that was an accident. we'll leave this city.

mom! no! you've beenrunning for the past 20 years. there's a problem, run away.change the city. after 10 years you won't evenremember such an accident happened. today a 20 year oldboy died because of me. the truth is not goingto change by making me escape. i thought.- he's alive. because you were not with him, were you? you're the cause ofall that has happened today. stop this blame game, mom.please stop it!

you couldn't live yourlife the way you wanted to. you put the blame for yourfrustrations on papa's failures and me. papa couldn't lead a lifeof dignity because of your actions. and i went out to prove myself.i am tough. i am wild. everytime, everytime i fell down. and today. i've stooped so low.. ..that i am scared of facing myself. look mom, today i amdoing what you've always done.

today i too am trying to findthe reason for my mistakes in you. i am totally screwed up, mom. totally. i lived my life so recklessly.this was bound to happen. but now i am preparedfor the consequences. i'll go to the police stationright now and surrender. kabir! stop! listen. we'll do as you say. i beg you.please don't ignore me like this. listen. you can't live this city.

game on! preet. all the gamesof your and my life are over. whichever route i took to reach you.. ..i couldn't reach you. why does this happen to us, kabir? i don't know. alright. there's no complaint lodged against you. he also says that it was an accident.

but my bike was found there.- that doesn't matter. if they see you outside. kabir! get down low! both dg's men and policeare looking for you. let me handle this, son. i promise, you'll live. i am not scared of death. but if because of me mom and dad. you don't worry about them.

i've shifted them to another place. yes. remove the sim from your mobile. rascal dg will trackan active sim in no time. uncle, you know. i've already caused alot of trouble to everyone. son, one doesn't becomeintelligent by eating almonds.. ..but from obstacles. understand? kabir siyal's head will belying here in the next 24 hours. you like kabir.

that's not the true. dg sir, preet and kabirare childhood friends. you know that jas andpreet had got engaged. the wedding date was about to be fixed. but jas is dead. no issues. her wedding should not get canceled. sorry?- she will get married. right here, on this farmhouse.

to whom? "i've sacrificed myself for you." "i can't see, my love." yes. okay. pratap.- yes, sir. my informer just saw dg'smen going towards the mill. and i suspect my officermust've leaked this information. sir. sir, kabir's cell is on, sir. "my love, i've come adorned for you." sir, i found this tiffin.- where?

there. sir, kabir is still inside the mill. what the ***k, kabir? shameless girl. is this howyou welcome guests in your wedding? mr. guest.dg wants to chop off your head. i know. dr. dg wants toperform a surgery on me. dg calling. kabir siyal. game on? kabir! please kabir!let me go! leave me!

dg sir. kabir is abducting me! help! come on. you can't abduct me from here. first you tell mewhy i would abduct you. because the chances ofour death are higher today. why not try dying together?- we're not going to die today. because i am not in a mood to die today. preet siyota.

get in or you'll actually be the wife ofa black bull. come on. - hey there! preet! stop there! preet! faster! hey! what happened?- our first kiss. i wasn't even ready. no problem.i'll give you a countdown next time. 1..2..3. only a lunatic can marry you. hey! the black bull had agreed.

miss him? should i drop you back? wear the seat belt. will the bullet not hitme if i wear the seat belt? no. you won't fall. call up uncle bulbul.- i don't have his number. preet, police control room, dear.come on. - oh! go! please inform inspector bulbulpandey that kabir and preet.. ..are going towards manikpurin a car on the railway track.

kabir, what is this? sandwich massage.dg at the back and train in the front. back! take it back!- keep coming, keep coming! take right! take right! our plan was to go away from the train.why are you going towards the train? shut up preet! let me concentrate.- concentrate? on what? to kill us? what will you charge to shut up?

greedy for money. what willwe do with the money if we get killed? i'll build a taj mahal for you. kabir? where are we going? hey! you're asking as ifi come here for a round everyday. thank god! i can see something ahead. it's not a ground ahead. hold on! papa! lord ganesha! you would've cried if i had waiteda couple of seconds more, wouldn't you?

i think we lost them. yes, yes! we did it, kabir! we did it! you were scared, weren't you? yes? i am scared for you more than myself. my wrong decisions. and you had to suffer the side effects. you're taking my credit, kabir? i hid something from you. after you left..

..balbir's situation had worsened. leave! leave! we shouldn't have takenjas's help that day. or i should've thrown balbirout of the house long ago. my preet has suffered because of me. whatever we do, we do it for our kids. we always wish good for them. but sometimes things go wrong. enough.

no more wrong will happen now. manu, if preet and kabir don't return.. ..i will never beable to forgive myself. i am sorry, manu.- it's okay, preet. you didn't kill him was just an accident. preet, listen. i am sorry, kabir.- sorry? say it to those poor birds.hearing your shriek.. ..they left theirancestral nest and escaped.

sorry birdies. hey, come back. she stopped crying. 15 years ago you hadto run away because of me. after 15 years, today againyou're running away because of me? we have a common problem. the destiny always poked us. why?- hey! but the same destiny gave usanother chance in the idiots quota. no matter whatever we born as in life.we had to be together.

"my day and nights are with you." "you give me peace." "you're in every moment of're my future." "you're my love." "i am going to be with you." "i am going to live with you." "i'll reside in your breath." "no one will be able to separate us." "i'll embrace you in such a way."

"no matter what the journey,walk with me." "i'll be madly in love with you." "you can test me." "your footprints areon the land of my heart." "you're my world, my love." "i was walking lonely." "i met you and found a caravan." "i'll be your wordsand you be my voice." "you be the morning of my darkness"

"i'll get lost in your tresses." "i'll sleep in your arms." "your body shines like morning dew." "my eyes are stuck on you." "the desires of myheart are smouldering." "we shouldn't commit any crime." "don't punish my desires." "come in my arms. erase yourself." "i'll emblazon your every nerve."

"i'll beat in your heart." everytime when a problemdoes hip hop on my head.. ..i start wondering how i got into this. my life is in danger. this is not happeningfor the first time. but this is the first time i am scared oflosing my life due to my recklessness. my life. preet. after a point,whether you wish to play or not.. doesn't give you any option.

preet! preet! no dg, no! preet! let her go, dg! let her go! no, dg! no! preet! dg, no! preet! kabir!- dg, please! let her go, dg! let her go! no! no, please dg! no! preet! you like to play games, don't you? let's play. this poison will reachher brain in the next 15 minutes.

preet! preet! the hospital is15 minutes drive from here. now you have the last15 minutes of her life. and be careful.if she sleeps, she'll sleep forever. game on, kabir sayal! get up! watch your life diein front of you! get up! i want to experience the same. jas's death was an accident. jas was shot in his chest.

but i didn't have a gun. this is not the time to tell lies. i am telling the truth. i didn't shoot jas. i shot it from this gun, uncle dg. come on.happy journey to hell, uncle dg. dg's dogs,drop your weapons honestly. or accompany him there. i am the new king.- preet! wake up, preet!

run, kabir. run. you have only 14 minutes. and my men are too many. let me see how you save her. game on, kabir sayal. why did you throw the bullet in fire? because physics was myfavourite subject in school. kabir! go, kabir! go! preet! wake up, preet! you're notgoing to sleep for the next 13 minutes.

game on!- how much will you play? won't you let me win for the last time?- this is not the last time. should we go for a movie in the evening? is there a theatre in heaven?- hey! you won't get an entry into the heaven. if i don't, i'll tell you. kabir, send me to heaven. for that i too willhave to die and go there. come on!

can't you do just this much for me? you traitor! i am trying to save you. my last wish is that you kiss me. leave me here and go away. i didn't listen to my fatherwhen he told me to run away. kabir, this is what you'lldo if you love me. please. that means you don't love me, kabir. i don't love you so muchas to follow everything you say. preet! unless i don't come back,you'll not stop honking. game on.

game over, kabir sayal. you're back, kabir sayal?- yes, preet siyota. after marriage i want toeat rajma chawal cooked by you. we wanted to do a lot of's all incomplete. darn! all our life weeither fought with ourselves.. ..or with the world. why does this happen only to us? because problems areour step father, preet. we will definitely do a lot.

we'll get married.we'll go on a honeymoon. rascal! you never took me out on a date. and you're planning about marriage? rascal! we've been dating eachother since the age of 6. what is this? i love you, kabir sayal.- i love you too. "your sweet chat and eyes." "come with me girl,spend your life with me." "my crazy mind is beating fast." "pretty girl,don't waste these moments."

"fall in love." "the night will become lively.come with me." "give your hand in like crazy." "increase the temperature of love." "your naughty antics make me go crazy." "let's make mischief,it's a wonderful moment." "come closer, let's get cheeky." "the life is for four days.enjoy, my dear."

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