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www games apk

ragdolls (yo yo its ya boyy) hilarious! i can't stop laughing look at him go! *laughing* hahahahaahhahahahahahaha (laughter) (demonic laugh)

today we're playing "human fall flat" today we're playing human fall flat today we're playing human fall flat so in this game, you can customize what you want to do annnddd uhhhhh your character you can customize your character guys! (intense orgasm) uhhhh uhhhhhhhhuuhhhh uhhhhh uh huhhh

*evil laugh* "facial recognition got a hit "jesus christ, that's jason bourne!" (weird laugh) yes, i'm 12 ahaha-ha! how do i take the fucking picture?! *pewds laughing* mmmmmmhmmmmmhmhmhmhmhmhmhmhmhmhhhh

*deep inhaling* (*mouth noises*) pshhspshssshhhhh jesus christ, that's terrifying, dude! oh my god, alright, apply that shit man alright we haven't even played the game yet so let's do that now ow (kim kardashian quote:) "they ask you how you are, and you just have to say you’re fine when you’re not really fine,

but you just can’t get into it, because they would never understand" i walk like i shit my pants which is how i walk anyway (sad music, katy perry quote) well, i'm going to kill myself. (katy perry quote in background quietly) oh.. i'm stuck! this is like a metaphor for youtube oh! that's how i get up in the morning.

well then let's uhh let's go in here man ah fuck, this is a metashit man let's press this one "they will press every button-" yea yea yea alright, i'm ahead of you already fuck off i think i have to push this away, right?

there you go yea fucking piece of shit! fuck you! ass hole alright now we gonna aaaah (die ragdoll pewds) this is why everyone clicked on the video to watch me solve puzzles this game is surprisingly lackluster

where the hell am i?! ugghhh "mission failed! we'll get him next time." (rock you like a hurricane plays) ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh got 'em! yeeeaaaaa god! i look depressed this really is a youtube simulator

dude, this is easy this game is too easy for a brilliant mind like.. i am i'm so... what the fuck are you doing?! okay can i get some epic music?

(pokemon anthem) can i get some serious epic music? thank you now i'm gonna make this jump gonna take some extra speed wipes off his sweat and he goes.. nailed it *roar* "way to go!"

ah shit ahhhh shh ahhh i've done it now *depressing music plays in background* oh god, box. "don't let me go pewds" no.. box no

my videos are painful enough already i'm not gonna play any more puzzles don't worry i got more games let's go alright, let's start with 10 meters saladass come on saladass yes *metal gear solid alert* there is it

go! saladass go he's got a great form he's just... shit! now that takes talent and he finishes off by humping the air bubababa bah! bubah!

he's flying he doesn't need to run, he needs to fly *success music (chariots of fire theme)* go saladass i need some serious music *back to the future theme* now, this is all on him. saladass' life depends on this he's been gambling in the wrong ,wrong neighborhoods what the fuck are you doing saladass?!

saladass, you fucking ass come saladass wants to run so much but god does not let him run aw shit saladass! (katy perry quote) what the fuck is that saladass? oh, now he's trying a new technique this year apparently (music plays and intensifies)

my name is saladass and i am the fastest man alive oh my god i think just fuckin' snorted oh no saladass no

get up get up get uppp i don't know what he's do oh he's back up saladass! come on come whooo salad who?

salad that's right that's salad you always bet on the salad always bet on the salad that's what my mom said salad always bet on salad so that was ragdoll runners that's a cool game man!

ragdoll games! so fun! am i right ? (no) what did i tell you at the beginning? i need boobs in my thumbnail surely, there's a game about boobs and ragdoll come on, come on. papa, papa needs a new lambo. come on. come on. this is a calculator boob necklace

that's funny that's a boobs coloring book that's hilarious there's a boob ice luge that hilarious oh, you can drink from it hey, wanna look like a piece of shit? we got cha covered man now we're talkin

alright uhh, what's my location? ok we're gonna have to ahh add like a fake location i'm in gothenburg okay, that worked ohhhhhh wow it's a game about

boobs after silicon ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh who lives in a pineapple under the sea??? what do we want? mama's got a new package oh from that angle there's always that weird gap isn't it?

i think we have to end that episode there (repeats) rag doll boob pyshics (from pinned video:) i'm a call from clauswhich i'm a mastermind military strategist filthy nazi ner- g- g - norwegians marina: this is uhh-- just spent um, the past umm... im rick harrison

and this is my pawn shop i work here with my old man and my son. and. in 23 years... i've learned one thing. you never know what. is gonna come through that door.

dicks out for harambe. "bulbasaur!" (the flash intro plays) my trigger word is kidnap! "they ask you how you are, you just have to say you are fine, when you're not really fine. but you just can't get into it because they would never understand."

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