www apk com games

www apk com games

hello guys today i'am show you the easiest way to install anapp directly into ext sd card first you have to download the app youwant to install for example i have downloaded dead trigger two it's a pretty big game next you have to open playstore and type in folder mount and you have to download the first app thatappears of-course you need root for this method

i have searched on youtube but i couldn't find a simpler way to install apps directly into external sd cardthis one is the simplest so as you can see i've downloadedfolder mount just open it and you have to run apps analyzer then it will read the list of apps and display them according to their sizes this won't take much time

then see i have found dead trigger 2 it is the biggest game here next you have to create pair and would you like to create discretion folder yesthan you have to enter the destination that is by defaultset to external sd card see storage ext sd card so hit right hit yes and it will take some time

to move files and see the files havebeen moved to ext in sd card what this application actually does is it takesthe biggest part of the app and move it into est sd card and thencreates a link between application installed in the sd card and that biggest folder of theapplication presented in ext sd card so now youhave to check list of pairs see i have nfs most wanteddata that is stored in ext sd card butactuall

app is on the sd card internal storage so we have moved the biggest folderto the ext sd card now we have to create a link just tapthis pin button and it game has been pinned and just go to home and simply open the app it will take some time for the first time yes you can see

game i'm playing this game presently from the ext sd card thank you guys for watching subscribe formore

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